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Growth, Change and Transformationworks best with community
And every organization, mastermind, and club is a community. And in every community, we have the opportunity to choose both freedom and ownership, to learn with and from each other, to value gifts rather than deficiencies and to Co-Generate into the future.
When you invite others to the Conscious Action Newsletter, you’ll unlock 4 gifts.
Multipliers for Life. No subscription. Get Access to the Multipliers newsletter for only one payment.
5 Referrals
Exclusive 8-Part Mindshift Series.
Your future grows through a continual inside-out spiral.
10 Referrals
Insider Academy Access. Over 150 Co-Generative lessons with new content added monthly.
15 Referrals
- Access the Concepts and Outlines for each book.
- Invitation to 'beta read' early content.
- Invitation to community conversations during development.
- Exclusive discount and early access
Note: Invitations will be sent to everyone who has unlocked this level but spots for each book will be limited.
20 Referrals
These aren’t available through any other memberships.
They can only be unlocked here.
Lifetime Deal for multipliers
Pay for the same price as an annual subscription, and get lifetime access (which means for as long as Conscious Action Academy or future iterations exists). Multipliers combines a self-selected learning journey with a Newsletter. When you join Multipliers, instead of getting the public Newsletter 3 times monthly, you pick the topic.
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People transform through an expanding cycle of thoughts, perceptions, premise-shifts, behaviours, feedback and integration. Communities generate change as individuals transform. This 8-part series will help you understand the inside-out cycle, shift your mindsets and engage with others to create real and lasting change.
Insiders Academy
Insiders Academy is available here. It’s not included in any other memberships. Insiders Academy expands monthly and Includes:
- Co-Generative Fundamentals: 34 Exclusive lessons + the Newsletter Archive (72+ videos only available here).
- Notes: 34 Insights gleaned from the books I’ve read. 4 new insights added every month.
- The System: The strategy, thinking, practices and tools I use to organize and generate my business and life (coming in Spring 2024).
Mastery Series – Early Access
The Consulting Mastery Series is a growing series of books, based on Co-Generative Transformation, to shift how we create change in community. With this exclusive early access you’ll:
- Get access the Concepts and Outlines months in advance for forethcoming books.
- Be invited to ‘beta-read’ early content and give comments or ask questions.
- Be invited to participate in community conversations.
- Get an exclusive discount on all future mastery series books.
- Get early access to purchase the books before anyone else.