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A paid newsletter for Change Leaders
Where you customize your learning journey
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Deep-Dive Thinking Straight To Your Inbox
Most of the ‘advice’ you’ll find about change is generic and superficial. It’s obvious. So where can you go to find new perspectives and mental-models you can use to think differently about change and transformation?
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Deeper Thinking
Multiple times each quarter you can access a new Co-Generative Transformation(TM) series. Each Multiplier is an 8-14 part series diving into a specific topic bringing you researched, curated and applied perspectives you can use to immediately shift how you think and unlock the future with your clients.
Premises, Mental-Models, and Practices​
Each series is rich with premises, mental-models and practices derived from 25 years, ‘boots-on-the-ground’, experience guiding leaders and teams through change, synthesized with modern psychology, behaviour sciences, philosophy and wisdom.
Focus and Integration
Multiple times each quarter you can access a new Co-Generative Transformation(TM) series. Each Multiplier is an 8-14 part series diving into a specific topic bringing you researched, curated and applied perspectives you can use to immediately shift how you think and unlock the future with your clients.
Who is Multipliers for?
If you’re looking for “The top 10 ways to stop failing with change” please don’t subscribe to Multipliers. This newsletter is for Consultants, Business Coaches, and Change Leaders who are tired of generic advice they already know doesn’t work and are ready to access new and deeper thinking.
Business Consultants
Whether you’re a project manager, change management specialist, strategic advisor or business consultant, the mental-models, frameworks, principles and strategies still apply.
Business Coaches
Co-Generative transformation isn’t reserved for traditional organizational change. It’s for strategic partners who are helping clients rethink, redesign and reach the future they envision.
Change Leaders
Guiding change isn’t reserved for coaches and consultants alone. C-level, VPs and Change Leaders at all levels play a crucial role in helping their organizations create the future.
Current Multipliers
Foundations for Change
Change is fundamentally a human process, not a mechanistic set of tasks. Our clients ability to create change depends on how well they tap into their community.
Set useful goals
It’s not enough to set goals. We must maximize their usefulness to help pull us and others into the future we most want to create.
Progress with uncertainty
Uncertainty as we make choices and move into the future is all but guaranteed. So how do we both accept the uncertainty and even use it to help us make useful progress?
Resistance and Ambition
All ambition, every goal, comes with resistance. We can never eliminate it entirely but we can mitigate it’s effects. Here’s how.
Decision-making, at its best, isn’t about confidence. It’s about strategic calibration, testing, anticipating obstacles and asking useful questions.
Set a Triple Vision
The Triple-Vision is a framework designed to refine and enact a future vision by focusing on three core elements: Results, Experiences and Capabilities required to enact the future.
30 USD monthly or save $60 with an annual
subscription or, current subscribers can
Releasing in Spring and Summer 2024
The Master Metric
What are Metrics for? How can we design metrics that provide useful information, useful inputs for decision-making and to understand if we’re making progress on our most important work?
Powering Change with Inquiry
Inquiry is the Change superpower – the ability to explore what’s really happening, to connect deeply with others and understand where they’re coming from, and to explore possibilities for the future.
Ownership and Agency
Ownership and Agency aren’t optional and they aren’t only for leaders. Change works when the community understands and owns their role as both the cause and effect of the change they’re creating.
All Results Come From Systems
Every system is perfect at producing the results it’s designed for – but the design may be unintentional. When you or your clients want a new result, they require a new system to generate that result.
When we're dealing with adaptive, human systems, there is no end to the depth, nuance and mastery we can experience.
Releasing in Summer and Autumn 2024
Changing Minds
Sustainable change depends on a shift in how people perceive, think, prioritize and make decisions. In other words, change comes when people change their minds. So how do we support that?
Designing Useful Practices
Practices are what results and experiences derive from. You and your clients already have practices. Both personal transformation and community change require a change in practices.
Designing Optimizations
Optimizing is what we do once we’ve eliminated what’s not worth optimizing. But what are we helping people optimize for? And, when does it make sense to de-optimize?
Creating Better Options
Everything you and your clients create comes from your decisions and the quality of your decisions has a lot to do with the quality of your options.
Motivation from the Inside-Out
Motivation is tricky, in particular when the emphasis is on external forces rather than internal choices. It’s also tricky when people think they need motivation to act.
Feedback and Recalibration
Feedback is everywhere. It’s not only what shows up from feedback sessions but also takes the form of consequences. And those consequences give us useful information about how to move into the future.
After you join, here's how Multipliers work
- Access the Conscious Action Academy
- Choose a Multiplier
- Get the first newsletter in the series
- Every 2 Days you'll receive the next in the series
- Watch the Videos in the Series and use the prompts
- Apply What you Learn
- Repeat
Additional Details
- Each multiplier includes between 8 and 13 newsletters.
- You can have one Active Multiplier at a time (because focus, integration and application are crucial).
- Once you complete a Multiplier you’ll retain access and can revisit these, even if you decide to cancel your membership.
Monthly Subscription-
Choose your first series as soon as you join